On Sociomateriality

Sociomateriality welcomes responsible researchers. Please proceed with extreme caution. What’s in a word? Sociomateriality advances the view that organisations, work, people and technology should be conceptualised as being inherently inseparable, rather than the once “taken-for-granted assumption” of separate entities (Orlikowski & Scott, 2008, p. 434). The term came to prominence after 2007, appearing in journals […]

Videogames: A tug of war

Let’s get one thing clear. I’ve never read anything by James Newman before other than “Chapter 2: What’s a videogame? Rules, puzzles and simulation” – without reading Chapter 1 or a preamble, it’s hard to say where James Newman sits on the pantheon of videogame scholars. To say that this chapter iritated and angered me […]