Effective Course Design in e-Learning

For my second module, I’ve chosen to undertake “Effective Course Design in e-Learning“. As a full-time learning technologist, an apsect of my job is to ensure that our staff are using the VLE (Blackboard in our case) as appropriately, effectively and efficiently as possible. We are not talking about using a VLE to replace traditonal […]

New Term, New Site

Wow, kudos to Jen Ross for getting my EduSpaces blog entries into the Holyrood Park / Elgg site so quickly and relatively painlessly. Perhaps I should start a “Give Jen a Pay Rise” community group on here Update Jen informs me that she can’t take all the credit for the smooth transition from EduSpaces. A […]

Digital Footprint

Interesting Snippets

I came across Lynetter‘s Flickr account whilst looking for a picture on “digital natives” / “digital immigrants“. She has an area called “Interesting Snippets” which used to be called “Online Developments“. This is my personal dumping ground for various cool quotes, the odd stat, as slides to talk around when describing how things are changing […]

Digital Immigrant

Digital Imperialism: The Tyranny of Technology

The notion of “Millennials” (Howe & Strauss, 2000), “digital natives” (Prensky, 2001), “net gen” (Oblinger, 2005), “technological generation” (Monereo, 2004) and Frand’s (2000) ten attributes of the “information-age mindset” is of great interest to me. Why? Well, my institution was awarded, this year, with some HEA Pathfinder funding to equip some of our lecturers with […]

I am not a student ID number…

In my first blog entry, I mentioned that I had read Dreyfus’ “On the Internet“, which I described as a: …fascinating, philosophical and accessible tome that looked at the Internet and, in particular, distance learning in a critical and provocative way. Oddly enough I went to see Dr David Starkey (“the rudest man in Britain“) who […]

Return to the Rabbit Hole

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down what seemed to be a very deep well. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, L. Carroll (1865) I am still feeling quite […]

Travels in Decalcomania and Hypertextuality

Reading Landow’s seminal work brought me crashing back to 1997, when I was tentatively experimenting with web pages and got all hot and flustered when I discovered a new literary form called HyperFiction. The world wide web was so new, shiny and unsullied – an undiscovered country waiting to be explored. …hypermedia is an enabling […]